Welcome to Colin Beckwith Counselling

I am a qualified Counsellor and I offer a private Counselling service to any adult over the age of 18. I am based in Havant, Hampshire and I welcome enquiries from individuals on a self referral basis. I strive to offer a truly inclusive service matched as closely as possible to the needs of people from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities.
I will work with people who identify as Male, Female and those who do not identify with either Gender. I will work with people identifying as LGBT as well as people identifying as Heterosexual. I will always do my utmost to be accessible to anybody who may have special mobility or communication requirements.
You are welcome to contact me directly if you are interested in having counselling. Please click here to go to my Contact page if you would like to get in touch.
I hope this website gives you the information you need whether you are looking for a Counsellor or finding out about Counselling in general. My aim here is to inform you of my personal approach to Counselling. In this way I hope to give you an insight into what you might experience from Counselling and what you can expect from me as your potential Counsellor. I welcome any comments or questions you may have about anything related to Counselling.
My Background and Life Experiences
I began my working life as an apprentice engineer and progressed to engineering design. For a large part of my life I found the work satisfying. However, it occurred to me that I needed to make a change. I also encountered more specific life events which in due course became significant. These life experiences were challenging and at times I really struggled.
I experienced some pretty tough times back then. I wondered what life was really about and whether my place in the world had any meaning. It's difficult to say, even now, what happened in my life to prompt the apparently massive shift I then went on to make. What I can say is that I knew that I needed to change. This was the first stage of my own journey. Counselling figured strongly in this and I experienced some profound moments. I know now that these changed my life. Training as a Counsellor gave me even more understanding and meaning to my own life experiences.
So I had Counselling then because I wanted a better life. Having someone there by my side through dark times as I made my journey was such a comforting feeling. I don't think I could have done it on my own. I really valued my Counsellor and recognised the experience of Counselling as without parallel in life. In short, life changing. My desire, is to mirror what others did for me and accompany you on your journey to your goals.
Stepping in to Counselling
Counselling aims to provide a space where you can explore your life and experiences in a safe and confidential way. Engaging in Counselling can take an appreciable commitment and courage. I believe that People have an innate sense that the time is right for them to have Counselling. It can be a challenging process and can be really important to pace the work in a way that supports you through the journey. You may feel ready for Counselling right now or you may feel unsure. I would welcome your enquiry if you feel that Counselling is for you right now. Please also feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Counselling.
If you Need to Talk Now
If you need to talk to someone urgently then it may be a good idea to contact organisations that could provide support right now. See below to find out who may be able to help. A list of organisations offering round the clock help can be found here.
Thanks for visiting and I offer my best wishes to you.